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-アーユルヴェーダ医師 Dr.Anuから学ぶ産前・産後ケア-

-アーユルヴェーダ医師 Dr.Anuから学ぶ産前・産後ケア-

*Ayurvedic Prenatal and Postnatal Care

とき: 2019年12月1日(日)

15:00-18:00 (3hr)

ばしょ: 自由が丘 みひかるサロン&助産院

世田谷区奥沢5-24-2 自由が丘B.L AOKI 201・301・401

(自由が丘駅南口 徒歩3分。)


講座フィー: 8,000 yen











妊娠期は、女性を生きる人生の中で最も美しくそして、変化の大きい時期です。 女性は妊娠期に多くの身体的および感情的な変化を経験します。 従って、女性を生きる中でとても重要な時期であり、からだと心を滋養していく特別なケアが大切になります。受け継がれてきたアーユルヴェーダは、すべての妊娠期の段階と出産後の健康と活力を促進していく実用的なツールです。



3. 産後40日間のアーユルヴェーダケア養生方法。


講師: アヌパマ・キザッケヴェッティル博士

Anupama Kizhakkeveettil, BAMS, MAOM, L.Ac., Ph.D.


通訳: トンプソン浩美 Hiromi Kitty Thompson

愛称キティと呼ばれるトンプソン浩美さんは、オーストラリアへ3年間のカレッジ留学後、外資系キャビンアテンダントとして約10年乗務されています。 乗務員時代から始めたヨガに魅了され、国内外のヨガスタジオで指導者養成講座やワークショップに参加し練習を深められています。ヨガ講師歴14年、ヨガ通訳歴7年。 スタジオや企業にて、バイリンガルヨガ、ハタヨガ、マタニティヨガ、産後ヨガ講師として活動すると共に、ヨガ講師養成講座の講師、テキスト執筆、ヨガ通訳としてもご活躍されています。





loving-kindness, peace shanti Om प्रेम ◡̈ॐ

*Ayurvedic Prenatal and Postnatal Care:

Pregnancy is the most beautiful and transformative period in a woman’s life. A woman undergoes lots of physical and emotional changes during this period. It is therefore very important period in a women’s life and there is a need for additional care to rejuvenate and nourish the body and mind. Ayurveda the time tested medicine offers powerful, practical tools that promote health and vitality through all the stages of pregnancy and after the delivery.

In this seminar you will learn:

1. How to create an optimal environment for conception and pregnancy

2. Pregnancy self-care

3. A 40 day Ayurvedic postpartum care regimen.

4. Diet, lifestyle, herbs and therapies for prenatal and postnatal care

Teacher: Anupama Kizhakkeveettil, BAMS, MAOM, L.Ac., Ph.D.

*Anupama Kizhakkeveettil “Dr. Anu” is an Ayurvedic Doctor, licensed acupuncturist, yoga teacher, Professor and Program Director for Ayurvedic Medicine at Southern California University of Health Sciences. She has travelled extensively to different countries to propagate Ayurveda and has presented more than 90 scientific papers in various research conferences. Many of these papers have been specially recognized at their respective conferences and she published more than 28 scientific journal articles. She has received 18 awards on her research related activities. Dr. Anu serves as Board Member of the California Association of Ayurvedic Medicine, a nonprofit devoted to promoting Ayurvedic education, research, and practice in California. She also serves as a Board member of National Ayurvedic Medical Association, which represent the Ayurvedic professions in the United States of America with the mission to promote the practice of Ayurveda. Dr. Anu also serves on the Research Working Group of the Academic Collaborative for Integrative Health, and as an Action board member of American Public Health Association (APHA), helping to coordinate grassroots and grass tops advocacy activities. She is also working as Co-PI for a NIH funded study in US.

Translator: Hiromi Kitty Thompson

Kitty, a former international flight attendant, started to practice Yoga after being introduced to Ashtanga yoga by friends. She has attended

classes and workshops in Japan and overseas, which had a great influence on her and lead to her decision to become a Yoga translator

as well as a Yoga instructor. Kitty looks at Yoga as an essential part of her life and she continues to strive to deepen her experience and

knowledge. Kitty incorporates the essence of Yoga into her daily life and appreciates the little things that bring happiness to everyday life, while maintaining the balance between her work and being the mother of two children.

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